Mt. Baker Beekeepers Association (MBBA) is a group of people who like to share their love of bees. You do not have to be a beekeeper to belong to MBBA.
Beekeeping isn't all play. It requires a desire to learn about bees, time out of every week during spring, summer and fall, and heavy lifting. Beekeeping requires some education. A mentor or networking with local beekeepers is a must.
Here at MBBA, we offer monthly meetings which are free and open to the public. During 2020-2022 when having meetings became challenging due to COVID 19 and State mandated restrictions, MBBA’s Board Members went to conducting virtual meetings.
Having virtual meetings has allowed us to reach out, be available to the community, to beekeepers and individuals interested in bees/beekeeping. Now that COVID restrictions are behind us, MBBA is holding in person meetings and virtual meetings via Zoom.
-Monthly “Q&A" meetings are held the third Thursday of the month 5:30-6:15 PM – moderated by an experienced beekeeper, who provides open discussions on beginning beekeeping.
- Monthly “General” meetings are held the third Thursday of the month 6:15-8:00 PM. During this meeting, we have a planned agenda that include beekeeping topics and we may have speakers who provide presentations on important topics.
Be sure to check out our dedicated Facebook page "Mt. Baker Beekeepers Assn.".